Thursday, August 27, 2009

Day 6: Respect

Assorted business this morning brought up some websites highlighting rigidity in my thinking. I found sites describing North American Indian cultural activities taking place in Europe:

I was surprised. Why?
Seeing those cultures being valued and honored in a distant land was unexpected & unfamiliar. In the USA where I was brought-up, we were poorly taught about the history & cultures of native Americans. Their tragedy is ours, and it continues: vilification and theft of their homelands. Certainly in North America active indigenous communities still exist, and groups of people studying Indian lore. But I was surprised to see this in Poland & Denmark... I shouldn't have been... I'm glad to see some of the riches and insights of indigenous people being studied & celebrated. Our human heritage is much more than modern industrial consumerism and urban-focused administration. Let a thousand flowers bloom... especially in Peace Month.

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